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来源:中国石化新闻网 747 2022-04-14


据墨尔本领先的汽车拆除供应商It Matters To You报道,来自海斯塔和伍伦贡大学的研究人员做出了一项革命性的发现,这将帮助他们将世界上最高效的电解器商业化。汽车行业的专家预计,这一突破将成为绿色氢燃料需求的启动,使这种可持续的替代燃料更便宜、更容易获得。

Hyasta是伍伦贡大学(UOW)成立的一个研究小组,专门为伍伦贡大学团队已经开发的电解技术寻找商业化解决方案。据It Matters to You报道,到2025年,该电解槽的氢气生产能力将达到千兆级;它还使海斯塔乃至澳大利亚在世界范围内大规模生产可再生氢的竞赛中处于领先地位。其电解槽技术的工作原理是确保制造、定标和安装过程简单,并且将比其他现有技术提供更高的输出和效率。

据It Matters to You报道,研究小组的专家们透露,如果能加以利用,这项技术可以以世界上最低的成本生产绿色氢,从而为氢生产商节省数十亿美元的电力成本。最终,这种负担得起的绿色氢将超过不可再生的、化石燃料衍生的传统氢。专家们相信,这项技术将成为大规模汽车转型的动力,就像从内燃机转向电动发动机一样。

It Matters To You报告称,研究正在进行中,需要持续的开发和测试,才能将这一突破应用到行业中。然而,专家认为,如果研究继续下去,这种发展可能会促进更多的研究开展。

It Matters To You是墨尔本主要的汽车置换现金供应商,它对绿色氢能源的未来及其对澳大利亚乃至全球的经济和环境效益持乐观态度。联系它可以了解更多关于澳大利亚汽车工业可持续发展的推动情况。

季廷伟 摘译自 Globe Newswire


Australian Technological Breakthrough Could Be the Solution to the World's Cheapest Green Hydrogen

Australian researchers have made a technological breakthrough that promises the world's cheapest green hydrogen - It Matters To You explains

Researchers from Hyasta and the University of Wollongong have made a revolutionary discovery that will help them commercialise the world's most efficient electrolyser, reports It Matters To You, the leading provider of car removal Melbourne wide. Experts in the automotive industry anticipate this breakthrough being the kickstart that green hydrogen has been needing, 

making the sustainable fuel alternative cheaper and more accessible.

Hyasta is a research group formed out of the University of Wollongong (UOW) specifically to find a commercialisation solution for the electrolyser technology already developed by a team at UOW. According to It Matters To You, this electrolyser has the capacity to reach giga-scale hydrogen production by 2025; it also positions Hyasta - and by extension, Australia - at the forefront of the worldwide race to large-scale renewable hydrogen production. This electrolyser technology works by ensuring that the manufacturing, scaling, and installation processes are easy and will deliver higher output and efficiency than other existing technologies. 

Experts from the research team reveal that if harnessed, the technology could save hydrogen producers billions in electricity costs by producing green hydrogen at the lowest cost in the world. Eventually, says It Matters To You, this affordable green hydrogen will surpass non-renewable, fossil fuel-derived, traditional hydrogen. Experts are confident that this technology will be the impetus for a large-scale automotive shift, not unlike the shift from combustion engines to electric motors.

It Matters To You reports that research is ongoing and continued development and testing are required before this breakthrough can be utilised in the industry. However, experts believe that this development will likely lead to many more if research continues.

It Matters To You, the leading supplier of cash for cars Melbourne wide, is optimistic about the future of green hydrogen and its economic and environmental benefits not only for Australia but on a global scale. Contact It Matters To You today to learn more about their push for sustainability in Australia's automotive industry.


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