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受能源价格上涨推动 2月ICIS全球石化指数上涨5.3%

来源:中国石化新闻网 623 2022-03-09

颗粒在线讯:据ICIS网站3月7日消息 2月份ICIS石化指数(IPEX)环比上涨5.3%,主要因全球石化和塑料市场受原料原油和能源价格上涨推动。






王磊 摘译自 ICIS


February IPEX up 5.3% on price rises in northeast Asia, US Gulf

The ICIS Petrochemical Index (IPEX) rose by 5.3% month on month in February, as rising feedstock crude oil and energy prices propelled petrochemical and plastic markets globally. 

Northeast Asia posted the largest increase, with some commodities such as butadiene rising up to 29% month on month. PVC was the only product that posted a fall in pricing in that region. 

US Gulf values rose by 3.9% in February overall. That uptrend was driven up mainly by a sharp increase in the price of paraxylene, propylene and toluene. 

The northwest Europe area posted the softest increase in pricing, with its IPEX index moving up by only 0.5%. Paraxylene and toluene posted the largest hike, with values moving up by 9% and 11.5%, respectively. Benzene, polyethylene and styrene posted a decline. 

The Global IPEX index rose by 20% year on year. 

The monthly IPEX indices provide a snapshot of the petrochemicals and plastics markets in the three major producing and consuming regions, as well as globally.


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