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来源:中国石化新闻网 606 2022-03-09

颗粒在线讯:据世界能源3月7日消息:南非可能会成为一个新的绿色氢项目的所在地,Sakhumnotho Power将与Keren Energy Investments合作开发该项目。

据ESI Africa报道,两家公司将寻求建立一个概念验证(POC),将100千瓦光伏太阳能系统与电解系统相结合,以产生绿色氢。



Sakumnotho Group Holdings董事长Sipho Mseleku教授表示:“我们认识到石油和天然气不会是未来唯一的燃料来源。我们明白,我们必须投资于包括石油和天然气、可再生能源以及氢气在内的能源组合,以便在未来创新和发展我们的投资组合。”

冯娟 摘译自 世界能源


South African Project to Generate Green Hydrogen from 100kW PV System

South Africa could become home to a new green hydrogen project with Sakhumnotho Power partnering with Keren Energy Investments in order to develop this.

According to ESI Africa, the two companies will look to establish a proof-of-concept (POC) that will couple a 100kW PV solar system with an electrolyser system in order to generate green hydrogen.

The hydrogen produced here can also be used in a range of different industries including fuel for the mobility sector, as well as for various industries in which electrification proves too costly or difficult.

The companies said that the POC would be one of the first in South Africa to demonstrate the feasibility of producing green hydrogen form the sun.

Professor Sipho Mseleku, Chairman of Sakumnotho Group Holdings, said, “We are cognisant that oil and gas are not going to be the only fuel sources in the future. We understand that we have to invest in a portfolio of power sources which will include oil and gas, renewable energy, as well as hydrogen in order to innovate and grow our investment portfolio into the future.”


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