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来源:中国石化新闻网 973 2022-04-12

颗粒在线讯:据美国钻井网站2022年4月8日报道,全球著名市场研究和咨询公司Future Market Insights发表的绿色氨市场报告表明,未来十年,全球绿色氨市场预计将以惊人的90%的速度发展,在2030年前将达到54亿美元。


根据《2020年全球可再生能源展望》报告,向可再生能源、生产力和自动化的转变将推动社会经济发展。 因此,不断上升的绿色氨产量和潜在的储存需求将推动绿色氨市场的发展。  

到2028年底前,欧洲绿色氨市场预计将拥有全球最大的市场份额,产生5.5803亿美元的收入,高于2019年的749万美元,这得益于2022-2032年预测期间的65.37%的估计复合年增长率。 亚太地区预计将占据全球第二大市场份额,收入潜力为1.9069亿美元。


绿色氨厂的资本密集型性质是市场发展的主要障碍。 除非可再生能源和电解槽的成本进一步下降,否则一般的合成氨制造商将无法从传统的合成氨生产转向绿色合成氨生产。

海洋经济产业正在发生重大变革。 航运业正面临着通过转向清洁能源来减少排放的压力,这可能是绿色氨生产商获得更多收入的途径。

以技术为基础,绿色氨市场可以细分为碱性水电解、质子交换膜电解、固体氧化物电解。 在这些绿色氨技术领域中,到2028年底前,固体氧化物电解领域预计将保持最大的市场收入,从2019年的789万美元增加到4.9638亿美元。 欧洲也将是最大的市场,到2028年将达到3.2367亿美元。  


采用绿色氨的主要问题是化学品制造商缺乏意识。 在绿色氨生产工艺方面,中国、日本的大型化工企业继续采用天然气蒸汽甲烷化技术。 随着电解技术知识的增加和可再生能源发电成本的降低,绿色氨市场很可能在整个预测期间上升。

报告说,“21世纪实现增长和环境友好双重关注的秘诀就是绿色氨。 通过改用可再生能源发电来生产氨,仅在欧洲就可减少约4000万吨二氧化碳的排放,在全球范围内可减少超过3.6亿吨二氧化碳的排放。 因此,绿色氨市场前景广阔,利润丰厚。”

李峻 编译自 美国钻井网站


Green Ammonia Market to Reach $5.4B By 2030, Report Says

The green ammonia market is anticipated to advance at a phenomenal rate of 90 percent over the next decade, according to the Green Ammonia Market report by Future Market Insights.

The study on the green ammonia market finds that solar and wind energy have advanced at a higher pace than other renewable energy, thanks to rising investment and reduced power generation costs.

The switch to renewables, productivity, and automation, as per the Global Renewables Outlook 2020, will drive socioeconomic development. Therefore, rising green ammonia production and underlying storage requirements will push the green ammonia market forward.

By the end of 2028, the European green ammonia market is expected to have the largest market share and generate revenue of $558.03 million, up from $7.49 million in 2019, thanks to an estimated CAGR of 65.37 percent over the forecast period of 2022-2032. Asia Pacific is expected to hold the second-largest market share, with a revenue potential of $190.69 million.

As for individual countries, The Netherlands is likely to have the largest market revenue of $227.12 million in 2028, while Germany's market is expected to grow at the fastest rate of 86.35 percent over the forecast period.

The capital-intensive nature of green ammonia plants is a major hindrance to the market's advancement. General ammonia manufacturers will not be able to move from traditional ammonia production to green ammonia production unless the cost of renewable energy and electrolyzers drops further.

The marine industry is undergoing a major transformation. The maritime industry is under pressure to reduce emissions by switching to cleaner energy sources, which is likely to be a pathway for green ammonia producers to capture more revenue.

The green ammonia market is segmented based on technology into alkaline water electrolysis, proton exchange membrane, and solid oxide electrolysis. Amongst these green ammonia technology segments, the solid oxide electrolysis segment is anticipated to hold the largest market revenue of $496.38 million by the end of 2028, up from $7.89 million in 2019. Europe will be the largest market for this as well with $323.67 million in 2028.

As per the green ammonia market trends during the forecast period, the alkaline water electrolysis segment in the Netherlands is expected to grow at the highest rate of 57.2 percent.

The main problem with the adoption of green ammonia is a lack of awareness among chemical manufacturers. For the green ammonia production process, the largest chemical companies in China, Japan, and Russia continue to use natural gas steam methanation technology. With increased knowledge of electrolysis technology and lower costs of renewable energy generation, the market for green ammonia is likely to rise throughout the forecast period.

“The secret to meeting the dual concerns of growth and environment-friendliness of the twenty-first century is green ammonia. By switching to renewable electricity to make ammonia, CO2 emission of about 40 million tons of CO2 can be curbed in Europe alone and over 360 million tons worldwide. As a result, the green ammonia market prospect is high and lucrative,” said the research analyst.


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